Thursday, December 31, 2009

One Trick To Help End Procrastination

Students have a hard time getting motivated to study for an upcoming test. It is difficult for a student to realize the importance of not waiting until the night before to study for a test. In some cases a student may wait until the night before to create an excuse for performing poorly on a test. The student may say that the reason for doing poorly is because they were up all night studying on the night prior to a test.

Instead, offer your student a reward for finishing their studies prior to the night before. You may tell your child that you will take them out for icecream on the night before the test as long as they are prepared to take their test. My father used to tell me that he would go to a movie on the night before a big test. In many cases if a student doesn't know the material on the night prior to the test it is too late to study. A person may get away with cramming before some tests but as years go by and the material becomes more complex "cramming" won't work.

By developing the habit of learning to prepare for a test a student is more likely to get better grades and have more fun during the school year.

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